How to make Sri Lanka’s anagi II stove
Adding the baffle
Practical Action
20. Score and slip a line from the bottom
of the tunnel up to the sides to a height
of 2 inches from the top. The line should
extend horizontally across the back half at
the same height.
21. Roll out a coil of clay
12” long and ½” thick.
22. Press the coil into
23. The completed coil baffle
24. Cut a slab using the
baffle template
25. If the mould is
new or is there are
problems with clay
sticking, sprinkle
the baffle mould
with clay powder.
26. Press
the clay slab
onto the
27. Lift the baffle
from the mould
using a small ball
of clay.
28. The completed
baffle piece.
29. Score and slip the
underside edges of the
baffle, as well as the coil
and stove walls it will join
30. Folding slightly the
tip of the baffle, place
it on the coil and into
the edge of the tunnel.